Government Unit Lesson: Glad It’s Over

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Some subjects really are as boring to teach as they are to learn. I know that’s one of those things I’m not supposed to say. But man, government is dry. We finished it up just in time to go and vote so it worked out well. I’m just very glad to be moving on. Of … Continue reading

365 Gratitude Project: Week 4

Wake up every day with at least 1 thing that makes you grateful you are alive, who you are, and exactly where you are– that was the mission.

This week was a little harder for me.  It seems like when everything is going wrong, it’s twice as hard to find the little things attractive. But I pushed through because I know that the most important time to do this project is when things are hard.

  My job. I get to work surrounded by awesome goodness of books. This is a picture of just one-quarter of the library I work in. And, even if this wasn’t already awesome, I would be grateful for employment at all in these times. (Seriously, this is a very small section of the library)


  Holding Hands with my husband. He reached back and grabbed my hand through the whole store. Remember, people could see this! 🙂

I felt really special and really loved. Little acts of love mean sooo much to me.

A co-worker of my husband’s was just telling us a story the other day about how he doesn’t hold his wife’s hand anymore because they are “too old” for that and have been married “forever” so she knows that he loves her….. this made me so sad, and yet feel so special in my own marriage.


My future prayer-warrior.


Toe socks. It is impossible to be cranky when you are wearing these– just look down and you are bound to at least smirk. A smirk can lead to a full-blown smile if you aren’t careful.


Exercise. Everything about exercise is awesome. Our bodies are one of the most complex, detailed machines that God created. I love taking care of it. Plus, the endorphins are amazing!!

If you feel the same way, check out my best friend’s blog Redemption Fitness.


The Easy Joy of Children. This child was sooo excited about his scooter ($25). He came into the house to get me so I could watch him do a “wheelie”. He was just glowing. I want to feel that way again about something, anything. My description of this moment doesn’t even encapsulate how excited and simplistically fulfilled he was.


The Right Resources. Every child learns differently and it feels like I have gone through a hundred different types of resources trying to find something that speaks to my child on a real level.

I finally found it. I am so grateful for the availability of resources.

365 Gratitude Project: Week 2

Wake up every day with at least 1 thing that makes you grateful you are alive, who you are, and exactly where you are– that was the mission.

Week 2

  A home that was built properly. We keep our heat set around 62 and our house is never lower than 68-9. We just bought this house in December; it is 3× bigger than our last place and 2× cheaper in power bill. I am so blessed!


Divine Intervention. I was having a crappy day and felt world-weary. I went into my car for my lunch to “regroup” and my favorite, most inspirational song came on my fav. station (WIBI), which also was exactly what I needed to hear. (While I’m Waiting, by John Waller)


Being the one to share a first time experience with my son. (This is a picture from the summer, but it summarizes an ongoing thing) Neither my son or myself had ever been to a live baseball game or stadium. We shared a St. Louis Cardinals game experience together this summer. It was the best feeling in the world. Oh, and our team WON. 🙂


Cheapo rub-on tattoos. They bring extreme joy to kids, are easy to wash off, and are crazy cheap. That’s an all around win.




My mini-me. We are a Green Bay Packers loving house. It is the one thing that I am not outnumbered about. Haha, my poor husband is the odd one on this front.


A teenager that isn’t “too cool” to participate in family shenanigans. He is such a good sport. He is such a rare jewel among teens. He is such a blessing to me!

365 Gratitude Project: Week1

Wake up every day with at least 1 thing that makes you grateful you are alive, who you are, and exactly where you are– that was the mission.

Week 1

  My Family. They are everything in this world to me. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have no family. I should spend more time every day (especially when they  make me nuts!) thanking God that I have them.


Scripture, Quiet Time w/ God, and a Journal. This is where my strength and honesty come from. Starting or ending a day this way is what makes it possible to keep going.


Fresh Ground Coffee from whole beans every morning. Um, really, need I say more?


The Perfect Bedside Setup. Nighttime is my husband and I’s quiet time together. We turn on our lamp and in the soft glow we can talk about our day and read our Bibles.


Crockpots. The working mothers prized possession. If my house was on fire (and the kid made it out already), the crockpot would be the only thing I grab! Organic chili is pretty amazing, too.


Old-fashioned stationery sets for good ol “snail mail”. Nothing says “I care” like a mailed, handwritten letter instead of a quickly typed email that a monkey could do in a split second with very little genuine thought or care.


Surprise Love Notes For No Reason! My son slipped this in next to my breakfast. That made my WHOLE day. He is such a blessing to me!

2012: Resolutions Unlike Infomercials

“Mission: Better Me” time is upon us again. I’m still trying to shake off my self-disappointment from the epic fail that was my last resolution. It’s ironic really how my resolve to become better actually renders me even more broken and paralyzed then I was the previous year because of my imminent drop in self-worth from failure.

I realized that somewhere along the lines something went haywire in the whole one-year-to-the-better-me scheme.

My resolutions actually remind me of infomercials: for just 10 easy installments of a piece of your self-worth, you too can be the perfect you that God intended and never have to try ever again! Hey, that prize is big and the wording  makes it seem you are giving very little–yes? I mean, what’s just a little chunk of disappointment, self-doubt, and a long “losing streak” against your morale going to effect you?

I don’t recall having ever accomplished my New Year Resolution(s) all the way through a year. So I discussed it with myself.

Me: “Why do I never complete my New Year Resolution? What’s the problem?”
Myself: “Could the problem be…*gulp*… ME?!”
I: “Pffft, no way.”
Myself: “Yup. You have terrible taste in resolutions.”

After this inner dialogue, I took some time to really examine not only my past choices but what motives drove me to said choices. It turns out all of my resolutions have been completely superficial and did nothing to promote God or even righteous living. All my goals were to promote my own image or to make myself  feel “happier.” (Um, no wonder they all failed!) Shallow resolutions are an attempt to fill a hole that I feel.  I believe we all know somewhere inside of us though that only a closer relationship with God can fill that hole.

So the new question I pose to myself (and to you if you’re with me):  what resolution(s) can help me become closer to God or to promote Him and his lifestyle?  Here is my list so far. I am adding and subtracting from it still.

  1. Read my Bible every day for at least 30 minutes, alone and uninterrupted. New house rule: No blood, no bug mom. No more “squeezing it in” around other things.
  2. Memorize 1 piece of Scripture each month for the whole year. No restrictions on which piece.
  3. Do the 365 Gratitude Project all the way through.
  4. Start my Bucket List.
  5. Post to my blog 2ce a week.
  6. Find a charity and volunteer routinely.
  7. Be less guarded; listen more, actively care, and hug someone (not in my family) 1ce a week. (I have serious personal space issues that I need to work through.)
  8. Exercise 2ce a week. I figure the lower amount keeps me away from vanity interceding, but keeps me focused on being healthy so that I am not physically restricted from any task God wants me to accomplish.
  9. Learn to say no without feeling guilty.
  10. Scrapbook 1ce a week or every 2 weeks.
  11. Set a specific day & time for Devotions with my son. No more “squeezing it in” around other things.

Well, this is all I have so far. I researched success in new year goals and the overall consensus was that if the goal(s) is specific and measurable then success is more likely.

I also read that an accountability partner almost triples the likelihood of success. So, would you be my accountability partner for one or all of these? Or do you  have one or more that you think should make the list?